tagalong and trailer pushers

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Interesting web page shows, among other things, trailer pusher bike idea goes back a long way.

Look in the museum for hours worth of interesting reading and sights.

GREAT LINK!!! Over 100yrs ago someone made a bike pusher, I never would have guessed!!! I saved that 1893 trailer in my gallery.

BTW, I uploaded some new updated pics of my 196cc bike trailer!!! Check out the picture gallery!
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I just joined this forum & found this thread soon thereafter.
I hope to make a very quiet muffler from a propane bottle or fire extinguisher canister. If it's disguised and very quiet, I can go anywhere with no more than a glance from the constabulary. Who would suspect a trailer is actually pushing the bike?
Closing now to scour this forum for more ideas.

I would be very interested in your propane bottle muffler design.
I have a 5.5 horse OHV Tecumseh engine I am considering for a push trailer.
Making it quiet would be a priority.
I'd also be interested in any information on aftermarket mass produced mufflers which may quiet things down.
You can PM me if you wish.
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