Stolen stolen bike

I am honerd to be part of a group that judges folks not by "what" they are but rather "who" they are. Jemma, Carol and I will be in London next fall on biz, We will be taking you out for din and drinks if you are available. You rock.

I would be pleased to accept - although you might be biting off more than you can chew lol ... I have been known to go through 40oz of steak & all the trimmings lol (although that was after not eating for three days..). Who is Carol by the way?

What part of London will you be visiting?

Thank you again for the kind invitation and for your support :)

I hope you are ok

Jemma xx
40 oz.

Jemma,40 oz!? Ya lightweight! (hehe, teasing) Nothing is written in stone yet, but is tentatively planed as land in Heathrow Airport (is there an airport closer to you?) and "bop" around Europe for a couple of weeks via Eurail pass. Carol has not yet seen your side of the world. (please, please take her to Herod's, the holy grail of shopping) Carol is my business partner, best friend and love of my life. After 19 years, she still finds reasons not to marry me. Seems there are many, lol. I look forward to hanging out with you as does Carol. Gonna be fun! I of course will wait patently at the pub for you 2's return to show me your purchases... (I will be easy to find as I will be the "drunk Canadian not defending POTUS Bush's foreign policy") Please send me a blank email. Part of the reason for the trip is to find EU distributors of which I would like to recruit you as. (our next stop on that mission is Bulgaria with an insane Comunist!, this will be fun((she likes me, but has to point out at every given opportunity why I as an American are evil))

There is an airport nearer me - stanstead - but I dont think it does straightaways from/to US so either gatwick or heathrow...

As to Harrods I'd love to have a wander round, should be interesting although I doubt I'll be buying anything - that place is expensive with a capital E..

You mean you arent gonna let us drag you round the place looking bored and spare-part-ish?? thats half the fun for us girls - torturing the guy we are out shopping with... lol

oooh ... I love Bush sooo much (edit)

When will people learn that if a country has kicked out (at the last count) 4 empires and had their own as well... there is usually a good reason *not* to invade them - I think from memory its called 'losing' ... 'exit strategy' sounds like something a doctor would use when he is discussing colestomy bags ... politico-speak for 'things just went really runny...'

Hope you are both ok and I am looking forward to it... and I have an idea for your system that feeds from fredberts wheelchair quest... and maybe a customer when I talk to her - Claires mad enough for anything lol

hope you are ok

Jemma xx
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