*MBc/MBRA National Rally! Ocean Park, WA August 30-31 '08*

the "full augi"...minimum requirements

knee, knuckles (extra points for bone damage),
Picture 018.jpg
dunno why it looks like i'm laffin',
Picture 019.jpg
cuz believe me, i wasn't!

now i know why i wear a helmet!!

bonus pic...van's saturday arrival at rally-central

boy oh boy...that sure was a good rally, bud :cool:
Hey Augi
Sometimes I would go for a short test ride while working on the Whizzer and I would not bother to wear my helmet. After seeing your pictures, that will not happen again.
Oh does falling off a ladder count as doing an "Augi"?
I was coming down a ladder the other day and thought I was on the bottom step when I stepped off. But alas I was not on the bottom step. Well I did a full body slam on to the parking lot. I knocked the wind out of me and my tailbone hurts a lot too. My glasses and hard hat landed about 20 feet from me. Would this be considered an "Augi"? It sure feels like one...

my helmet & visor have the matching scrapes...i DO believe in helmets, i do i do i do...

hmmm...stationary "vehicle", 2 points off...no blood, another point...

ok, just for giggles, we'll give ya a 1/4-augi :p
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Of course it wouldn't count in this case, but I feel there should be additional points awarded for distance covered after dismount. Perhaps it could be indicated by adding a decimal after the initial 1/4, 1/2, etc. So a 1/4 Augie with a 10 yard dismount would be denoted as : 1/4.1

Just a suggestion.
Oh yeah, maybe extra points for getting up, laughing at oneself, and getting back on the bike.
Yep plus extra points for asking if the bike is ok before worring about how bad you're banged up.
Hey Augi
Thanks for the 1/4 augi rating for my fall. I don't think I earned any points for turning the air blue with the stream of profanity that erupted from me. It had been a long time since I knocked the wind out of myself. I forgot how much that hurts. For what it's worth I really did do some damage to my tailbone. Two Vicodin and a beer do take the edge off though. It still hurts but now I don't care. I'll try to be more creative the next time I go down.
